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Term 2 Newsletter


As we near the end of term 2 and the Christmas holidays are upon us, looking back we have had a really hard working term. The term started with our annual Halloween Parties, which were spooktacularly fun this year!! We had two parties, one for pre-school and one for primary aged children. It was such a joy to have Miss Caleigh back to lead the parties with me. Sadly Mrs Marlene had covid so couldn’t attend. She is looking forward to the Christmas parties however.

The students have all been working so hard on their ISTD syllabus work. Miss Meg has been coaching the students with Ballet and myself with Tap and Modern. We are looking forward to all of the parents/grandparents coming in to our final week of classes to watch. The pre-school children have been getting on so well, learning new dances and skills. I have also been working hard behind the scenes completing my DDE (diploma in dance education) Modern Theatre teaching exam and happy to report I have passed that exam.

Acro has been absolutely fantastic with most classes fully booked now and a waiting list ever growing. The students in level 1 Acro have been working really hard on the skills that they need to achieve to move up to level 2 and we are very close to that happening. Primary level students are also working hard on those core skills that are needed to progress to harder tricks. And finally the pre-school classes are working hard on their locomotive skills such as bear walks and downward dog, all building upper body strength to train them for handstands and cartwheels when they are older.

We have our annual Christmas party on Thursday 22nd December this year and I am super excited that Miss Meg is joining me for the parties. We will have lots of fun playing games, doing crafts and dancing!

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and New Year and I will see you all in Term 3 – in 2023!!!

Miss Becca xxx



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RC Performing Arts
Portlethen Aberdeen, UK
United Kingdom
Phone number: 07369 227090

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